
Avoid Coronavirus Scams

Tips to protect yourself from Coronavirus scams.

Fraudsters are taking advantage of the public’s uncertainty surrounding the Coronavirus, and we want to help you to avoid scams and protect your money and personal information.

Here are a few security tips:

  • Do not provide personal information, like your social security number, account numbers, debit or credit card numbers, or passwords, over the telephone, in a text, or through email, unless you initiated the contact and know that the contact is legitimate. Bethpage will never initiate a call, text or email to verify any of this information.
  • Be sure to frequently log in to Digital Banking and check that your account information is up-to-date and your transaction history is accurate. If you haven't done so already, we encourage you to download our Mobile App. You can use the app to quickly and securely review your accounts wherever you are, right from your mobile device.
  • Be suspicious of any phone calls or emails claiming to be from the IRS. The IRS will make initial contact in writing.

At Bethpage, we have recently seen an increase in instances where fraudsters are posing as our security department, through text and calls (often spoofing our toll-free number), to obtain sensitive information from our members, such as their online credentials and debit card/PIN numbers. To help protect you from fraud, if our monitoring service spots a suspicious transaction on your Bethpage Debit Card, we may alert you by text message and ask you to confirm or deny the transaction in question. However, we will never ask you to provide sensitive information in connection with that text alert.

The texts and calls from fraudsters may also be related to mortgage applications, setting up auto-payments, or other banking topics in an attempt to obtain your sensitive information.

If you shared your personal information with a contact that might not be legitimate, notice suspicious activity on your account, or have any other security concerns, please call us during our new business hours at 800-628-7070.

You can also report any scams or suspicious claims to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at ftc.gov/complaint.