Advice Planning

Fraud FAQs

Frequently asked fraud questions, including where to report unauthorized charges and identity theft.

Fraud Terminology

Common terms used in fraud that explain certain scams and ways scammers are able to obtain sensitive information.

Preparing For Homeownership

Thinking about buying a home? Learn more about home buying steps, getting a mortgage loan, and how to budget for a house...

Preparing For Homeownership

Thinking about buying a home? Learn more about home buying steps, getting a mortgage loan, and how to budget for a house...

What is Home Equity?

Understand what home equity means, how to calculate your home equity, and why it is so important to homeowners.

HELOC to Pay Student Loans

HELOCs may serve as an alternative option to help you pay off student loan debt. Learn more about HELOCs with Bethpage.

Home Equity Line of Credit 101

Discover how a home equity line of credit can be used for home improvements, paying off your mortgage, funding college e...